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Created on By Paul McBain

Wat Borom Niwat Quiz

Explore the 360 tour and videos on Wat Borom Niwat to answer the questions in this quiz.

1 / 7

These murals were supposedly painted by the monk Khrua In Khong. Who is the likely the chief designer of these murals? What ideas did the designer seem wish to promote?

2 / 7

What is significant about the image of the heavens in this mural?

3 / 7

What is the Buddha being compared to in this image according to the inscription below?

4 / 7

The most famous image from the murals of Wat Borom Niwat is this image of a lotus flower. Why do we think the lotus flower is so large in the image?

5 / 7

In this image, the Buddha is compared to a boat captain who takes people to ‘the further shore,’ a common metaphor for nirvana in the Tipitaka. To the top left, on the far island, what can we see and why is it significant?

6 / 7

Where is this image located in the ubosot and why is it significant?

7 / 7

Who is the figure under the statue and whom does the statue probably represent?

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