Here you can explore the historic Bangkok temple of Wat Suwannaram and explore a digital tour of the temple and its celebrated murals.

Additional Resources:

A link to a website with summaries of the Mahanipata Jataka (The Ten Great Birth Stories) below:

Take a quick quiz as you navigate the 360 tour of the temple on the meaning of the murals:

Created on By Paul McBain

Wat Suwannaram Quiz

Navigate the 360 tour of Wat Suwannaram in order to answer the questions below.

1 / 6

What is going on in this image?

2 / 6

In what Jataka tale panel can you find this image?

3 / 6

What is the name of the Brahmin in this picture?

4 / 6

What is the name of the goddess pictured top-left of the image?

5 / 6

What Jataka tale does this image depict?

6 / 6

In the image opposite the Buddha, what is Mae Torani (Dharani, the earth mother) doing?

Your score is

The average score is 54%


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The Digital Thai Temples Project aims to digitise Bangkok’s temples for education and preservation.